ELMA365 On-Premises > Prepare infrastructure > Load balancer / HAProxy configuration for ELMA365 web 

HAProxy configuration for ELMA365 web

The architecture of a highly available ELMA365 cluster involves the interaction of ELMA365 application microservices within a resilient cluster. The HAProxy configuration discussed in this article assumes even load balancing of traffic between nodes in the high-availability Kubernetes cluster.

Example HAProxy configuration for ELMA365 web

HAProxy evenly balances client connections between nodes in the Kubernetes cluster, arriving at elma365.your_domain. Open the haproxy.cfg configuration file for editing using the command:

sudo nano /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Example configuration for load balancing to the Kubernetes cluster using HAProxy to add to the haproxy.cfg file:

### Web ELMA365 ###
listen elma365_web
    bind haproxy-server.your_domain:80
    mode http
    balance leastconn
    no option http-use-htx
    option forwardfor
    option httpclose
    server elma365-1 elma365-1.your_domain:80 check
    server elma365-2 elma365-2.your_domain:80 check
    server elma365-3 elma365-3.your_domain:80 check
### Web ELMA365 ###

Example HAProxy configuration using SSL

Restart HAProxy:

sudo systemctl restart haproxy

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