New releases > ELMA365 SaaS / 2022.11




  1. TEAM-12174 You can now manage channel posting permissions:
  • Full access. Users can post in the channel and create new events for channel participants.
  • Read and comment. Users can comment on posts in the channel but cannot create new channel events.
  • Read. Users can only read posts and comments.

You can specify selected users, groups, or org chart items. If a person has been assigned different types of access as a user, part of a group or org chart item, the highest access permissions are applied. In all the existing companies all the channel participants are automatically given Full access.




  1. TEAM-13188 In Administration > Users you can now specify a person's position by filling out the new Displayed position field. The position entered in this field will be shown:
  • in the pop-up with user details;
  • in the user's profile /profile/{id};
  • in search results on the Company page;
  • in user lists on the Company page.
    You can also use a script to fill out this field.


  1. TEAM-14626 We added oauth support for internal users. If a company has an active module implementing oauth, the Use another sing-in method option becomes available on on login page. The name of the module is shown among available methods. Users can bind their internal account to their oauth account via Profile > Authentication. One 365 user can be bound to only one account in the oauth module and vice-versa. In auto_signup is enabled in the module, a new user is created upon authentication as long as there is no user with this authID in the system yet.




  1. TEAM-13241 Executors can now edit the list of task participants.


  1. TEAM-13887 We added reminders about expiring tasks. You can enable them to be set up by default. Activate the feature in profile settings an select how long before a task's due date you need to be reminded. Note that these reminders are only sent for tasks that have a set deadline. Also, reminders can be set up via the Reminders widget. To do that, open a task, add a reminder and specify when exactly you need to be reminded. All the reminders are sent to your Activity Stream.




  1. TEAM-8759 We added the new Duration field to the Call and Email activities in process designer. Now, when a user specifies the task start date, they can also specify its duration, for example, 30 minutes. When this period is over, the task is considered overdue.


  1. TEAM-12754 Users can now choose where to display a CRM activity: in their personal calendar or in the CRM task calendar. To make it possible, we added a new check box to the task creation form, Show in shared calendar.


  1. TEAM-12935 When you edit the start date of a Call task, the end date and time change automatically. For example, if a user sets the task start to 10.12.2022 2:00 p.m, the end will be automatically set to 10.12.2022 3:00 p.m.


Low-code designer


  1. TEAM-12527 We added an important feature to the widget builder, TODO elements. When designing a configuration, the analyst can quickly add these elements to a widget or a process, add a description saying what needs to be done here, or add a link to the corporate task tracker. TODO elements allow publishing objects and are not shown to users. They can be exported and imported meaning that people working in different ELMA365 instances will be able to see them in their lists of available elements.


  1. TEAM-12639 In Interfaces, widgets can now be deleted and restored:
  • The Show/Hide deleted button is now available in the menu.
  • Delete and Restore options are now available in the widget's menu.


Mobile app


  1. TEAM-14507 The mobile app now offers the same login options as the browser. The updates will become available in AppStore and GooglePlay after the 2022.11 SaaS release.


  1. TEAM-14517 You can now select the start page for the mobile app. Previously, the app would always open on the Messages page. We have added the Mobile app start page option in company settings. This option will become active when updates are released to AppStore and GooglePlay after the 2022.11 SaaS release.


Folder hierarchy


  1. TEAM-13062 When setting permissions for app folders, you can no longer set up different access permissions for app items.


  1. TEAM-12005 We improved the database query for working with folders in a hierarchy. Excessive queries for obtaining folder lists were removed.




  1. TEAM-7711 We added a new app to Projects, Project Stages. There are three default stages: Archive, Draft, In Progress. The following activities were added to process designer: Send project to archive and Restore project from archive.
    We added two methods to TS SDK for archiving and restoring projects.
    When a new project is created, it is assigned the Draft stage. When the project plan is published, the stage changes to In Progress. The project tasks that have not been canceled are assigned the In progress status. When a project is archived, the stage changes to Archive. The project plan and its tasks are set to the Archived status. The buttons for editing the project plan are then hidden from the project page. Instead, a notification is shown stating that the project has been sent to the archive. When a project is restored, its stage changes to Draft. The project plan and its tasks are set to the Draft status.
    There are two ways to archive a project:
  • use a business process activity;
  • use a custom script.
    There are three ways to restore an archived project:
  • use a business process activity;
  • use a custom script;
  • click the Restore button on the project view form.


Configuration export


  1. TEAM-13940 When exporting a configuration that contains paid solutions the exported package is encrypted in the same way as paid solutions are encrypted.




  1. TEAM-14133 The login field has become available in TS SDK for the UserItem type.




  1. TEAM-1165 We improved how app items are displayed in tables. In order for long names to fit into cells, the width of cells can now be changed.


Business processes


  1. TEAM-12828 The Edit App Item activity now support contracts


Bugs fixed

  1. TEAM-12828 We fixed how the Fields values tab in the Edit App Item activity is displayed.
  2. TEAM-13062 Access permissions for folders in a hierarchy now work correctly.
  3. TEAM-14728 We fixed the error in calling the getFolder method.
  4. TEAM-13555 We reworked the Live Chat Notification activity. Instead, there are now two activities, Send Response to Live Chat and Initiate Live Chat. Use these activities to start sessions in a specified channel or reply to messages in active sessions.
  5. TEAM-14686 We fixed the Telegram reconnection error.
  6. TEAM-14161 The Directories.getChildrens and DirectoryItem.getChildrens methods are marked as obsolete. The Directories.getChildren and DirectoryItem.getChildren methods have been added instead.
  7. TEAM-12553 We fixed registration of incoming calls via IP-telephony on a contact's page.
  8. TEAM-12632 Buttons for working with emails are now displayed correctly.
  9. TEAM-14710 We fixed how the system behaves when creating a new estimated payment on a Deal page.
  10. TEAM-14816 We fixed the display of the Sales teams app field.
  11. TEAM-8775 We fixed the logic for working with portal pages.
  12. TEAM-9896 In a server script on an app form you can now get values of an item's system fields.
  13. TEAM-10278 In client and server scripts, when filtering app items with the link operation, you can now pass a RefItem type variable (arbitrary app) as a value.
  14. TEAM-13924 When editing the profile of an external user imported from LDAP the status is no longer reset.
  15. TEAM-14118 We fixed the handler error when installing the audit module.
  16. TEAM-14647 We fixed the error in updating solutions and workspaces.
  17. TEAM-11442 Shorter response time when creating context variables.
  18. TEAM-11846 You can now add the Main page widget even if a custom main page had been configured.
  19. TEAM-12831 We fixed the display of variables of task forms.
  20. TEAM-14486 We fixed the operation of the function for validating forms that have a property with the Hide always option activated.
  21. TEAM-14495 We fixed the error in loading the company logo upon login.
  22. TEAM-14693 We fixed the errors that appeared if the form context included a field with an invalid input mask and a default value.
  23. TEAM-14728 When calling the getFolder()  method in TS SDK an error no longer appears for app items that do not have the All items folder. Instead, undefined is passed.
  24. TEAM-14774 We fixed the 500 error that appeared when trying to import and external user.

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