New releases > ELMA365 On-Premises / 2022.7


ELMA365 On-Premises 2022.7 includes all the ELMA365 SaaS 2022.7 updates, as well as the following changes:

  1. We released a new distribution option: ELMA365 in Docker. The ELMA365 application is now installed in a Docker container with Kubernetes in Docker, which excludes any influence of infrastructural characteristics. This option allows using external data storage: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, S3. Redis. RabbitMQ. The ELMA365 application itself is no different to other distribution options.

As before, the main distribution option is ELMA365 as Helm packages for Kubernetes.


  1. In this release we improved compatibility with applied technologies. Complete list of versions:
    • Kubernetes: 1.19 - 1.21
    • PostgreSQL: 10 - 13 (version 14 can be used but with the amcheck extension)
    • MongoDB: 4.0 - 5.0
    • Redis 6.2
    • RabbitMQ: 3.8.8+, 3.9.x, 3.10.x with the consistent_hash_exchange plugin

New versions of internal storage can be installed only to an ELMA365 that is being deployed for the first time.

The already installed versions of internal databases in ELMA365 are not updated automatically.

To update them, perform a data dump and restore them to a new ELMA365.

External databases are updated by creating a reserve copy and loading in into the new DBMS version.

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