New releases > ELMA365 On-Premises / 2022.9


ELMA365 On-Premises 2022.9 includes all the ELMA365 SaaS 2022.9 updates, as well as the following changes:


  1. We implemented a continuous replica distribution scheme for ELMA365 OnPremises Enterprise microservices in the available Kubernetes cluster nodes depending on occupied computing resources using Descheduler. It is necessary for when one or several nodes of a cluster are disconnected. The workload is shifted to the remaining nodes, while the disconnected nodes are later reconnected again. The standard Kubernetes mechanics in regular mode do not interrupt the working microservice replicas in order to switch back to the reconnected nodes. The microservice replicas occupy a free reconnected node only at next launch. This can happen if autoscaling is enabled or the workload increases.
  2. The ELMA365 installation package for MicroK8s now includes IPv6 support.

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