New releases > ELMA365 On-Premises / 2024.1


ELMA365 On-Premises 2023.10 includes all the ELMA365 SaaS 2023.10 updates, as well as the following changes:


  1. Kubernetes version updated to 1.28 in ELMA365 KinD and MicroK8s builds.
  2. Fixed adding the PROXY variable for microservices.
  3. Added AVX processor instructions check for ELMA365 installation in KinD.
  4. Improved interactivity during ELMA365 installation in KinD. Progress and errors are now displayed.
  5. Enhanced compatibility for ELMA365 Enterprise autoscaling with the Deckhouse platform.
  6. Added the elma365/dbsexporter add-on for ELMA365 Enterprise monitoring system.


Important: Before updating to version 2024.1, make a backup of the PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases.

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