New releases > ELMA365 On-Premises / 2023.11


ELMA365 On-Premises 2023.11 includes all the ELMA365 SaaS 2023.11 updates, as well as the following changes:


1. Fixes in Helm package manifests of ELMA365 for compatibility with Kubernetes 1.28, particularly specifying IngressClass is recommended through the parameter

2. Fixes in the ELMA365 Onpremise Standard backup utility.

3. Fixes in the P7 Office and OnlyOffice add-ons regarding the delivery of TLS certificates and license files.

4. Update of ELMA365 KinD. When using internal DBMS, a more complex password is generated.

5. Update of installation guides for the following add-ons:

  • Monitoring (Prometheus + Grafana) for collecting metrics and displaying dashboards.
  • Loki - for collecting application logs.
  • Tempo - for collecting traces.

6. The option to activate On-premises for 14 days without a sales rep has been removed. Now, you can activate the program only by obtaining a key from the sales rep after installation.


Reminder: If you use ELMA365 in a system accessible from the internet and open ports to databases, make sure to change passwords regularly.

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