ELMA365 On-Premises > ELMA365 On-Premises Enterprise > Install add-on components for ELMA365 / Install Tempo

Install Tempo

Tempo is a high-performance and scalable system for storing and analyzing traces. It provides complete visibility into interactions between components of distributed systems. Tempo eliminates the complexities associated with storing and retrieving traces from numerous sources in real-time.

Beforehand, install the monitoring tools.

The installation of Tempo consists of five steps:

  1. Download the Helm chart and the configuration file.
  2. Create buckets in Minio.
  3. Fill in the configuration file.
  4. Install the Tempo chart using Helm in the Kubernetes cluster.
  5. Configure the connection to Tempo in Grafana data sources.

Начало внимание

When installing Loki + Tempo, start with the Loki addon. This allows preserving cross-linking settings, as they are initially configured in the Datasource settings.

Конец внимание

Step 1: Download the Helm chart and the configuration file

To install via the internet, obtain the configuration file values-tempo.yaml by executing the command:

helm repo add elma365 https://charts.elma365.tech
helm repo update
helm show values elma365/tempo > values-tempo.yaml


Getting configuration file for installation in a closed environment without internet access

Step 2: Create buckets in Minio

1. Create alias for MinIO:

mc alias set my_alias http://minio.local accessKey secretKey

2. Create a bucket with the name tempo:

mc mb -p my_alias/tempo --region=ru-central-1

Step 3: Fill in the configuration file

Fill in the configuration file for Tempo installation

Filling in connection parameters to a private registry for installation in a closed environment without internet access

Step 4: Install the Tempo chart using Helm in the Kubernetes cluster

Install Tempo chart in namespace monitoring.

For online installation:

helm upgrade --install -n monitoring tempo elma365/tempo -f values-tempo.yaml

For offline installation without internet access, navigate to the directory with the downloaded chart and execute:

helm upgrade --install tempo ./tempo -f values-tempo.yaml -n monitoring

Step 5: Configure the connection to Tempo in Grafana data sources

The Tempo data source is added during installation. Verify it using the path:  Home > Administration > Data source > Tempo.

URL: http://tempo:3100


For convenient viewing, a cross-link to Tempo is added to the Loki data source.

(Query: ${__value.raw}; Regex: (?:trace\.traceid|traceid)(?:":|=)"(\w+)")


Configuring Derived Fields will facilitate viewing of the trace's reference connection in Tempo.


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