Add LiveChat to a portal

You can embed an online LiveChat on a website or portal using the Code widget. Let's consider an example of such placement on an external portal.

  1. After creating a LiveChat, copy the Code to embed on a website in its settings. To do this, click Copy Code to Clipboard.


  1. Go to the workspace where the portal is hosted. In the portal settings, select the page where you want to embed LiveChat.
  2. Open the portal page in the interface designer. To do this, to the right of its name, click the gear icon and select Widget Builder.


  1. In the page template, move the Code widget to the modeling field.
  2. In the Code widget settings, add the code copied in step 1.
  3. Please note, that the code generated in the LiveChat settings is by default intended to be placed on a website. If you are embedding LiveChat on a portal, in the text of this code, put the elma365LiveChatFormId attribute on a separate line. Example code with the required changes:

<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" elma365BackendUrl=""></script>
  let loader = document.querySelectorAll('[src=""]')[0];
  loader.setAttribute('elma365LiveChatFormId', 'XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX');


    • domain is the URL of the ELMA365 homepage where LiveChat is configured.
    • XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX is an automatically generated UUID.
  1. Save and publish the changes of the portal page template.


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