ELMA365 On-Premises > ELMA365 On-Premises Enterprise > Install add-on components for ELMA365 / Install Cert-manager

Install Cert-manager

Cert-manager adds certificates and their elements as resource types into Kubernetes clusters, simplifying the process of obtaining, renewing, and using these certificates.

The installation consists of three steps:

  1. Download the helm chart and configuration file.
  2. Fill out the configuration file.
  3. Install the Cert-manager chart using helm in the Kubernetes cluster.

Step 1: Download the helm chart and configuration file

For installation via the internet, obtain the configuration file values-cert-manager.yaml by executing the command:

helm repo add elma365 https://charts.elma365.tech
helm repo update
helm show values elma365/cert-manager > values-cert-manager.yaml

Getting the configuration file for installation in a closed-loop environment without internet access

Step 2: Fill out the configuration file

Fill out the configuration file values-cert-manager.yaml for installing Cert-manager.

## cert-manager settings
  ## namespace for cert-manager (before installation, create kubectl create ns cert-manager)
  namespace: ""
  ## install crds
  installCRDs: true
  ## number of replicas for high availability
  replicaCount: 1
    ## number of replicas for high availability
    replicaCount: 1
    enabled: true
    ## number of replicas for high availability
    replicaCount: 1
    enabled: true

Filling out connection parameters to the private registry for installation in a closed-loop environment without internet access

Step 3: Install the Cert-manager chart using helm in the Kubernetes cluster

  1. Install the Cert-manager chart in the namespace cert-manager.

For online installation:

helm upgrade --install cert-manager elma365/cert-manager -f values-cert-manager.yaml -n cert-manager 

For offline installation without internet access, go to the directory with the downloaded chart and execute the command:

helm upgrade --install cert-manager ./cert-manager -f values-cert-manager.yaml -n cert-manager --create-namespace

  1. Make sure that the chart is deployed correctly. To do this, check the namespace cert-manager for the running modules:

kubectl get pod -n cert-manager
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cert-manager-xxxx-xxx             1/1     Running   0          1m
cert-manager-cainjector-xxx-xx    1/1     Running   0          1m
cert-manager-webhook-xxx-xxx      1/1     Running   0          1m

Delete Cert-manager using helm in a Kubernetes cluster

начало внимание

Before deleting Cert-manager, reconfigure the ELMA365 application to obtain certificates from other sources or disable TLS.

конец внимание

Delete the Cert-manager chart in the namespace cert-manager:

helm uninstall cert-manager -n cert-manager

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