CRM > Companies / Companies app settings

Companies app settings


Only users included in the Administrators group can configure the Companies app’s settings.

Customize app page

The company page can be personalized to your preference. For example, you can add or remove fields, make them required, add tabs, widgets, and additional buttons.

To do this, click on the gear icon next to the app name and select the Form Settings option in the menu. Read more about customizing forms in Configure forms in Advanced Mode.


You can add the system fields Parent company and Subsidiaries to the forms, allowing users to link clients together. Disable the Read only option for these properties. This will enable users not only to create new companies from the form but also to select them from existing records.


For a clear display of the company structure, you can add the Hierarchy widget to the page.

Additional tabs

Companies can be linked with other apps where a client company needs to be specified, for example, Orders. In this case, the company may have an additional tab with the list of all orders associated with it. For each bound app, you can add a separate tab. You can edit the tabs or delete them if needed. Read more about this setting in the Associated items article.


Access to the companies database

In ELMA365, you can flexibly configure access both to the whole Companies app or to its individual items. For example, sales reps will be able to create, edit, and delete entries in the app, while other users will only be able to view them.


Read more about restricting or granting access to apps in the Access to app data.

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