CRM / Contacts


The CRM > Contacts app stores detailed information about the contact persons of client companies.


Here are the main features of the Contacts app:

  • A contact can be linked to a company, a lead, multiple deals or all of these apps at once.
  • If a contact is linked to a company, lead, or deals, any changes in these objects appear on the contact‘s page.
  • Client interactions are recorded in the system: creating a lead, deal, or CRM task with a contact specified, sending an email or a newsletter, etc. On the contacts page, you can display the history of interactions related to them in the activity log and use this data to calculate the nurturing stage, that is, the clients readiness to make a purchase.
  • Contacts is a built-in app. This means that other apps and workspaces can have links to Contacts and still be exported to your PC as .e365 files or to ELMA365 Store.
  • The contact database can be exported from the system into an .xlsx or .csv file.

Contacts view  

Contacts can be displayed as tiles or as a table. You can select the view in the upper right corner of the Contacts app page.


To open the table’s or tiles’ settings, in the upper right corner of the page click on the gear icon.

For tiles, you can specify the size of the tiles, select the item properties shown on them, or configure the display of system information.

For tables, you can select the item properties shown in the table or sort items by parameters.

For more information on displaying items, see the App item view article.


At the top of the page, you can see the search bar. It allows you to quickly find the desired contact person by name or filter contacts using Search by parameters. To do that, click the filter-icon icon in the search bar. In the window that opens, select additional search parameters, for example, phone number, company name, or deal.


If you plan to use the same set of search parameters more than once, you can save it as a filter. Read more about search in the Search and filters article.

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