Business process designer > BPMN processes > Graphical elements / Notification


notification 1 Notifications are a handy tool to inform participants about process events. Place the Notification graphic element in those parts of the process diagram where important events occur. For instance, after one of the process participants signs a document. A sales rep concludes an agreement with a customer, and a notification is used to keep his or her manager informed. Employees can view notifications in the Activity Stream.

To go to the element's settings window, double-click on its shape in the process diagram.

General tab

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  • Name*. Enter the text that will be displayed on the process diagram.
  • Message subject*. Create a short and informative subject that would provide the key information right away. The subject is used as the message header in the activity stream. If you wish, you may add context variables to the text. To do this, click on the {+} icon in the right corner of the field. You can also add conditions and functions, as you would for a template item name. This will generate a more informative message subject
  • Message text. In this field you can specify the detailed information that the employee needs to know. For example, using context variables, you can insert a participant's comment here. To add a variable, click on the {+} icon in the right corner of the field.
  • Author. Select a user who will be specified as an author of the notification. . If you wish, you can add a condition or function in the same way as in the Message subject* field.
    • Current user. If you choose this option, an employee who performed any preceding activity will be specified as an author of the notification. For example, if there is a task that is completed before the notification, then its executor will be the author.
    • Context variable. You can determine the author of the notification with the User type variable from the process context.
    • System. The system will be the author of the notifications.
  • Associated object. Determine which stream will store the notifications.
    • Current process. Notifications are saved in the stream associated with the process instance.
    • Context variable. This option allows you to select a variable that refers to a specific object, for example, an app. Notifications will be saved to the stream associated with this object. If this variable is not determined during the process, notifications will be displayed in the process stream.

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Regardless of the option, you select, the recipient will also see the notification in the Activity stream.

Note that depending on the process general settings, an associated business process stream or an app or file stream will be displayed on the pages of tasks and process instances (in the Assigned by me tab).

Recipients tab

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On the Recipients tab, you can specify all employees who should be informed about the process event.

To add recipients, click the Add button.

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