Low-code designer > Set up interfaces > Widget types > Other widgets / Sign app item

Sign app item

This widget is used to sign app items using a qualified signature. It appears on the top panel of a document’s form as the sign-button button. It is displayed only when:

Widget settings

To configure the widget, open the interface designer, select the Sign app item widget, and click the gear icon.

Main tab


  • App item*.  The value in this field is defined automatically according to the app you are working with;
  • Comment. Set up the comment option for the signature:
    • Do not use. When an app item is signed, there will be no need to write a comment;
    • Optional. The user can enable the Comment option and write a message;
    • Preferred.The user can enable the Comment option and not write a message;
    • Required. The user is required to write a comment when signing an app item.
  • Attributes. Set up the option of signing app attributes:
    • Do not use. The attributes are not signed when the app item is signed;
    • Optional. The user can enable the option if necessary. By default, attributes are not signed. To enable, select the Attributes option in the window for signing app item;
    • Preferred. The user can enable the option if necessary. By default, attributes will be signed. To disable, deselect the Attributes option in the window for signing app item;
    • Required. The attributes will be automatically signed when a user signs the app item.
  • File. For Document-type apps signing a file is available. Specify of the app item's file has to be signed. The settings are similar to those of the Attributes field described below;
  • Provider. Select the default signature provider that will be displayed in the window for signing app item.

Events and System tabs

The Events and System tabs are for system settings that are the same for all the widgets. They allow you to configure a widget’s visibility and access to its data, define what happens, when the user moves or hovers the pointer over the widget, etc. To learn more, see System widget settings.

To complete the settings, click Save. To make the changes available to users, click Save and Publish in the top toolbar.

Delete the widget

To delete the widget from the form, open its Settings, click the recycle bin icon, and confirm deletion.

You can add a deleted widget back to the form. To do that, drag it from the side panel of the interface designer to the canvas or use the +Widget button. To learn more, see Form templates.

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