Business process designer / Process monitor

Process monitor

Process Monitor is primarily an analytical tool for system administrators that helps to track processes in real time.

Using process monitor, you can view the process statistics: how many instances are running, have been completed or interrupted, what task is currently being performed, who is the executor. For a specific instance, you can view the list of participants, context variables, the map, and current operations.

начало внимание

Only users included in the Administrators group have access to the process monitor.

конец внимание 

To go to the monitor page, go to Administration > Process Monitor.


The monitor allows you to track both system business processes and processes associated with the company, workspace, app, and custom module. On the main page, you can quickly go through the general statistics.

To view detailed information about instances, executors, tasks, etc., open the process page by clicking on its name in the list.

Process statistics

The data on this page is grouped into three blocks: process information, statistics by status and performer, list of active instances and tasks.

Process information

Here you will find the version history, the map, the date when the process was created and the date when the latest version was published. By clicking on the number, you can see the comments for each version.


By statuses and performers

This section provides information about the status of all instances that have ever been run. The left column shows how many instances are currently running, and how many have been completed or interrupted.

By clicking on the counter to the right of the status, you can filter the information in the table below so that only current, completed or interrupted instances are displayed. To reset filtering, click on All processes.

In the Executors column, you will see a list of process participants with tasks. Click on the task number to see all the tasks assigned to this employee in all instances of the process.


Table with a list of instances and active tasks

When you click on the name of an instance, its page opens. It contains all the necessary information: tasks, deadlines, executors, context variables. and process map. You can read more about the process page in Process instance page.

Having opened the page, you can interrupt the process. In this case, all participants of the business process will receive a corresponding notification in the #Activity stream.


Overdue tasks or incorrectly performed operations (scripts and webhooks) are highlighted in red. This allows you to quickly identify bottlenecks and take measures to eliminate the error and make the process continue.

Instances in the table can be sorted by name, start date, and end date. To do this, click on the name of the column. To reverse the sort order, click on the arrows next to the name.

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