CRM > CRM reports / Revenue forecast

Revenue forecast

The Revenue Forecast report provides information about the planned revenues for the selected pipeline. This allows you to forecast the amount of income for a certain period, analyze the revenues per employee and, for example, adjust the sales plan.

Generate the report

To generate a report, go to the CRM workspace and open the Incoming Payments page.

At the top of the page, select:

  • The period for which the report has to be generated.
  • The pipeline.
  • The employee responsible for the deals in the current pipeline (this field can be left empty to generate report on all employees).

Click Show.

начало внимание

If a deal’s budget is not specified or if it doesn’t have an estimated closing date, it will not be included in the report.

конец внимание


The report will display a list of all deals matching the parameters that are supposed to be closed during the selected period. The budget of each deal and the grand total will be displayed separately.

To open a deal’s page, click on its name.

Report visibility

You can restrict access to the Revenue Forecast report. To do that, configure its visibility. Click the gear icon to the right of its name and select Page Access.

In the window that opens, specify user groups, for example, Managers. Only these users will see Incoming Payments in the left menu of the CRM workspace and be able to access the Revenue Forecast report.


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