ELMA365 Store solutions / Active Directory/LDAP

Active Directory/LDAP

The Active Directory/LDAP standard module allows you to import users from another corporate system to ELMA365 while retaining their login information. Imported and manually registered users can work in ELMA365 system simultaneously.

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The AD/LDAP module is available for ELMA365 On-Premises only.

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How it works

The system administrator connects an AD/LDAP server to ELMA365 using the server address, login and password. Then, they define the correspondence between ELMA and AD/LDAP fields and the database synchronization interval. The AD/LDAP server is added to the integration list.

Users can then be imported directly to ELMA365. After that, the employees will be able to log in using their usernames and passwords from the system they were imported from.  

You can configure integration with multiple systems.


To configure the AD/LDAP integration, go to the Administration > Modules.

Select the Active Directory or LDAP and check the Enable Module box. To add a new item, click Add item.

The properties window opens. It can be divided into five sections: Connect to server, User connection and import, Group import, External users import and Automatic settings.

Lets take a look at each section in detail.

Connect to the server

Set up a connection between ELMA365 and the AD/LDAP server.


  • No. Indicate the sequence number of the integration.
  • Name*. Enter the name of the integration. It will be displayed in the integration list.
  • Server address*Specify the IP address by which the server is accessed and enter the port.

The default value of the LDAP port is 389. If you need to specify a port other than the LDAP port to access the server, enter it in this field separated by a colon. For example, in, 42 is the port used with the IP address.

  • Use TLS. Select Yes to use a secure connection to the server.
  • Support of several domain controllers. Select Yes if you’re using a high availability cluster containing multiple domain controllers. If you activate this option, a request with a list of IP addresses will be sent to the server address. The connection will be established using the first available IP address:

Example of establishing a connection with a cluster containing several controllers

  • User*. Enter the user name for LDAP server authentication.
  • Password*. Enter the user password.

Connection and user import

In the AD module, the fields for connecting and importing users are pre-filled automatically, but for the LDAP integration, you have to fill in the fields manually.


  1. Domain. If you specified the domain, the users will be required to enter a login with the domain during authentication.
  2. Logon Name Format*. Specify the domain name by which the server is accessed.

When using the sAMAccountName field as the source of the Login field, the following authentication options are available:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4










Logon Name Format





For example, if the Logon Name Format field is specified as elma\{$login} and the Domain field is specified as elma.com, the user needs to enter a login on the authorization page in the following format: johnson@elma.com. The login johnson will be selected from this string, and the authentication template will be filled based on it, so a request with the login elma\johnson will be sent to the authentication server.

You can also use the userPrincipalName field as the source of the login field (the format for storing the login is username@domain.com; the length of the string is not limited). In this case, the integration settings are set as follows:

  • domain: domain.com.
  • logon name format: {$login}.
  • user: login@domain.com.
  • login string during authorization: login@domain.com.

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The imported user does not need to be granted additional access permissions. They simply need to be a domain user.

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  1. Authentication type. The value of this field determines how imported users will log in to the ELMA365 system or the external portal:
  • Default (current server). Users will be authorized using their AD/LDAP login and password.
  • SAML. If you have an integration with SAML, you can select it in the drop-down. Then users will be able to log in to the ELMA365 system or the external portal using the SAML provider. One SAML server can be used for several AD/LDAP servers.
  1. ADSI path to users*. Specify a path to users using the ADSI connection string syntax:
  • OU stands for Organization Unit that contains such objects as users, contacts, groups, and others.
  • CN stands for Common Name that is a name of a user, contact, group, or another object that usually does not have child objects.
  • DC stands for Domain Component that is the name of the domain or the DNS.

For example, in order to import users from the Users root group of the company.com domain, use the following path: cn=Users, dc=company, dc=local.

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If there are leading or trailing spaces or special characters in the user path (\ , # + < > ; "="), they must be preceded by a backslash (\).

конец внимание

User path example:



OU=ouTest \+,OU=your\#Company,DC=testsmir,DC=local

OU=ouTest +,OU=yourCompany,DC=testsmir,DC=local

  1. User Import filter*. Filter used in queries to LDAP server when importing users.

Next, map the ELMA365 and LDAP fields:

  1. Login parameter*. Specify the field storing the user login on the LDAP server, for example, "sAMAccountName". After the user is imported from LDAP he or she will use this name to login ELMA365.
  2. First Name parameter. Specify the field storing the user name on the LDAP server, for example, "name".

Configure the Last Name parameter, Patronymic, Phone number parameter, Mobile number parameter, Email parameter, and “Lock Status” parameter fields in the same way.

To learn more about importing internal users into ELMA365, see Import internal users from AD/LDAP.

Group import

As for user import, specify the values for the path to groups and the import filter fields. In the Group name, Group description and Group members parameters specify the fields that store corresponding values on your AD/LDAP server.



To learn more about importing groups to ELMA365 and distributing users, see Import groups from AD/LDAP.

Import external users

If you want the users to be able to interact with the external portal only, enable the Import external users option.

Same as for user import, specify the Path to external user and External users filter fields. Please note that if you are importing internal and externals users at the same time, these filters must not be identical.

To learn more about importing users to the ELMA365 portal, see Import external users from AD/LDAP.

Automation settings



  • Turn on or off the automatic group and user synchronization and import. If automatic import is enabled, new AD/LDAP users are immediately added to ELMA365.

Each object is given a unique identifier: ObjectGUID in AD and entryID in LDAP. They make sure that all the changes made in user accounts and groups, such as locked users or edited personal data, are transferred to ELMA365 when synchronized.

  • "DN" parameter*. Enter the name of the attribute that stores the path to the user on your AD/LDAP server.
  • "Created on" parameter. If automatic import is enabled, you can filter of imported objects. In this case the entries created prior to the specified date will not be imported into ELMA365.
  • "Updated on" parameter. If automatic synchronization is enabled, you can filter the updated objects.In this case the entries updated prior to the specified date will not be updated in into ELMA365.
  • Synchronization interval in minutes. Set the synchronization interval according to your company's policy. We recommend that you set a maximum synchronization interval to minimize the system load. To set a maximum that ensures the lowers load, use the following formula:
    • without using the whenChanged filter: 60 minutes per 1000 users;
    • using the whenChanged filter: 30 minutes per 1000 users.

To finish, click Save. After that, the ELMA365 connection to the AD/LDAP server is checked. If the connection to the server is not established, you will see a message with an invalid parameter at the top of the page.

Delete server

To delete a server, go to the settings of the AD/LDAP module and click on the recycle bin icon to the right of the server address.

Note that when you delete a server, the system checks for imported users. If there are users imported from this server, you will not be able to delete it.

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