Getting started / Activate free trial

Activate free trial

A trial of ELMA365 is provided free of charge for the period of 14 days. It is a fully-functional version that allows you to explore ELMA365 in the cloud.

To activate a free trial:

  1. Go to our official website.
  2. Click Get Free Demo in the top right corner of any page.
  3. Click Try if free in the left corner of the pop-up.
  4. Fill out the form:
  • Enter you name, phone number, email, name of the company that you work, and your position in the company.
  • Check the box for agreeing with the terms of service and privacy policy.
  1. Click Try it free (14 days).


If you are looking to get the ELMA365 On-Premises trial, which is installed on your company’s servers, contact us via

  1. Once you have submitted your request, check your inbox for the activation email. Open it and click Activate.
  2. To complete activation, enter your company’s name and password and click Next.

Five days prior to the trial's expiration as well as on the day that it expires you will receive an reminder.

To continue working in the system, go to Administration > Licenses, and click Subscribe or Contact Sales Rep.

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