Live chats > Create a live chat / Configure a session

Configure a session

You can configure sessions by changing the list of their parameters. Parameters are used to store information about a session. They are shown on its page. The values of parameters are set by supervisors and operators responsible for the session.

Main parameters

Main session parameters are determined by the Administrator when setting up the live chat. They are applied to all sessions created within this live chat:

  • Name template for sessions.

To make a session’s name more informative, you can set a session naming template. A template can include such parameters as the client’s name, the session creation date, the live chat and channel name, or the message subject.

Operators and supervisors can also change a session’s name manually on its page. This can be done in the About the Session section by clicking the pencil icon next to the session’s name.


  • Binding sessions to apps.

Information about the client and their issue can be saved in apps. This can be done by the operator on the session’s page. For example, the operator can quickly add a client to the database, register an application, or create a request. This functionality is available if the live chat is linked with an app. Read more about it in the Create a live chat article.

  • Granting access to read a session.

If a live chat is linked with an app, its sessions can be saved on item pages of this app. Even employees who don’t have access to the Live Chats workspace can view messages from sessions. For example, a sales rep can view the entire history of communications with a client on the deal’s page.

To make this possible, the form of the app linked with the live chat needs to have the Live Chat Messages widget, and users who are allowed to view sessions on app item pages have to be specified in the live chat’s settings.

Custom parameters

Custom parameters are session attributes creates by the system Administrator when setting up the session form. Such parameters are applied to all sessions in all live chats.

Operators and supervisors can use custom parameters to enter additional information about a session to the system, for example, to specify the client’s contact details, summarize information about the session, or leave a comment.

At the moment, custom parameters can only be viewed in the session list. To see their values, go to the Sessions app, open the table or tiles settings, and add the custom parameter to the list of shown properties. After that the custom parameters will be included in the table as columns or displayed on the session tiles.

In future releases, custom parameters will be displayed on session pages, and it will become possible to use them when configuring message routing.

Values for custom parameters can be set in business processes. The operator needs to start a process that includes the Script activity.

For example, you can set up a process and place fields for entering additional information on its start event form or a task form. When the operator enters the data, it is written to the custom parameter using the Script activity. Read more about scripts in ELMA365 TS SDK, in the Live Chats section.

Add a custom parameter

To add a custom parameter, open the Live Chats workspace, click the gear icon next to the workspace’s name, and select Form Settings.


The Form Settings window will open. It consists of two areas: on the left is the list of system session parameters such as Live Chat, Operator, Priority, etc., while on the right you can see the list of all types of properties that can be added to the form. Read more in the System data types article.


To add a new parameter, drag a properties from the right-side panel to the list of form fields. You can add different fields for entering additional contact details of the client or a String for leaving a comment. Note that you cannot change or delete system session settings.

If you switch to the advanced mode, you will only see the Context tab where you can add new properties.

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