Business process designer > BPMN processes > Graphical elements / Create App Item

Create App Item

CAI 1 The Create App Item activity allows you to create a new app item during the execution of a business process.    

For example, let's consider the Hiring process. Once a candidate is interviewed and selected for the job, an HR specialist hires him or her. At the end of the process, a new item containing information about the candidate that was logged into the system during the process is added to the Employees app .


Add the Create App Item activity

Open the process diagram. In the toolbar to the right of the modeling field, click the System Elements tab. Drag the Create App Item activity to the process diagram and place it in that part of the process where an app item must be created.

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Depending on the activity settings, the executor can be assigned a task to create an app item, or the item will be created automatically.

Set up the Create App Item activity

Double click on the activity shape to open the settings window.

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In the window that opens fill in the following fields:

  • Name*. Enter the activity name that will be displayed on the process diagram.
  • Task name. Enable the Generate name from template option to add context variables to the name that the executor will see in the task list and in the task page.
    • Template*. Click the {+} icon in the right corner of the field and select a variable. You can also add conditions and functions as you would for a template item name. This will generate a more informative name.
      If this option is not used, the text specified in the Name* field will be displayed in the task list and on the form.
  • Variable*. Specify context variable that will refer to an app item.

If the variable already exists in the business process context, you can select it from the drop-down list. To change the variable name and add a tip, click the Change Variable Settings button.

If the variable is not yet added to the process context, click on the Create new variable button. Please note that in the Create App Item activity, only App-type variables are used.

Once you've determined the variable, you will see the Fields Values tab the settings window.


On this tab, specify the fields that will be filled in automatically when you create an item. Click the Add button and select a field from the list of App fields. Then map the field with the corresponding context variable. When the process is executed, the field will be filled with the data stored in this variable.

The app field types must match the type of the process context variables.

Next, on the General tab, select the item creation method:


  • Manually. The executor of the swimlane, in which the activity is located, will be given a task with the form of creating an item. The fields will be filled with the data that users entered during the process. You can change this data before completing the task and saving the item.
  • Automatically. The item will be created automatically. Item fields will be prefilled according to the settings specified on the Fields Values tab.

After you have specified all the parameters, click Save.

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