CRM > CRM reports / Conversion of leads and deals

Conversion of leads and deals

Leads or Deals Conversion is a report that shows how many items have been moved from one status to another. The chart shows the percentage difference between the number of items in each status of a pipeline.

For example, the sales department can use this chart to compare the total number of deals with the number of successfully closed or lost ones. You can also use this report for any app with statuses.

To create this report, use the Chart widget. You can place it on a separate page for easy reference.

Configure the chart

Below you can see how to configure the conversion chart for the Deals app as an example:

  1. Create a page and click the Add Widget button.
  2. Select the Chart widget. The settings window will open.
  3. In the App field, select the Deals app. Additional options and the Custom Filters tab will appear.
  4. Specify the settings:


  • Category. Select the Status option.
  • Value. Select the Number option.
  • Calculation type. Select the Item conversion option to track the number of items passed through each status in a pipeline.
  • Chart type. Select one of the available: Vertical bars or Horizontal bars.
  • Color scheme. Select the colors of the chart.
  • Chart size. Select the Dynamic option to let the chart’s size adjust to the amount of data is presents.
  1. On the Custom Filters tab, specify the app fields that will be used to filter data in the chart. The Pipeline and Date created fields are selected by default.
  2. Save the settings and click the Finish Editing button in the upper right corner of the page.

To change the chart settings, click the Edit Page button in the upper right corner of the page, select the widget and click the gear icon.

How to read the chart

To generate the conversion report, do the following:

  1. Specify a period. Deals created during this period will be included in the report. The default period is the current month.
  2. Select a pipeline. Statuses that it includes will be shown in the report.
  3. Fill out the rest of the fields added by the administrator and click Show.

In the chart that appears, you can see the deals conversion percentages for each status.

Each newly created deal is included in the New bar. When a deal is assigned different statuses, it is added to the corresponding bars.

For example, you can see the percentage of successfully closed deals as opposed to the total number of created ones.


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