CRM > CRM reports / Sales manager dashboard

Sales manager dashboard

The Sales Manager Dashboard page shows reports that help the CCO and sales managers to analyze how efficiently sales reps work with leads and deals.

Reports on the page are generated based on data from the Leads and Deals apps. Sales managers can see the following information in the charts:

Page customization

In the dashboard, each report is shown within a separate widget placed on the page. Administrators can configure the page to suit your company’s needs:

  • Change the widgets’ settings, for example, exclude deals or leads in final statuses from the allocation statistics, replace percentages with the number of deals and leads in the status change statistics, etc.
  • Rearrange widgets on the page.
  • Add the same widget several times to break down the data by different attributes.
  • Delete charts that show statistics irrelevant for your company.
  • Place additional widgets on the page.

Read more about the widgets on the page in Sales rep and sales manager dashboard widgets. To learn more about customizing pages in the interface designer, see Add a widget to a page.

Note that if you changed the page’s settings, the dashboard’s charts may be displayed as one widget. In this case, place separate widgets on the dashboard’s page manually. Read more about this in the Use dashboard widgets on custom pages.

How to generate the reports

The reports on the page show the sales statistics on all the department’s employees for the current month. The manager can set parameters for the report, for example, view data on a specific employee or on all sales reps included in a certain sales team. To do that:

  1. In the upper right part of the page, click All Filters.
  2. Specify the values of the Start of the period, End of the period, Sales team, and Assigned to fields. Note that when you select a sales team, the report will include data only on the sales reps included in it. If you need to see the data on a team’s manager, specify this user in the Assigned to field.
  3. Click Show.


The page will show data on the sales department’s performance.

How to read the reports

Allocation of Leads/Deals by Employee

The widget gathers data from each pipeline and shows it on a separate tab. Here you can see the number of leads or deals in each status set up in a pipeline. At the beginning of each row, you can see the total number of items that a sales rep is working with.

The data is divided by employee. Each pipeline stage is represented by a specific color. The color legend can be found below the chart.


Sales Pipeline: Leads/Deals

The Sales Pipeline: Leads/Deals widget shows the conversion of leads and deals within each pipeline.

The number of items at each processing stage is compared with the number of items in the preceding status. By default, the result is shown as a percentage.

The report only includes data on leads and deals created within the chosen period and assigned to the user specified when you generated the report. If a sales team is selected as a filtering option, the number of leads or deals assigned to employees of this team are added up.

Note that the data on lead and deal conversion will only be accurate if you specify a period equal to the average sales cycle in your company.

The report helps the manager to evaluate the sales department’s performance, for example, see what proportion of all leads have been successfully qualified and turned into deals.


Top Deals

With the Top Deals widget, this section shows five most beneficial planned deals assigned to the selected employee or sales team. Deals are compared based on the amount specified on their pages, in the Budget field.

The manager can click a deal’s name to open it and see all information about it.


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