CRM / Deals


With ELMA365, it is easy to track your deals throughout different sales pipelines. All important data is always at hand: you can open a deal’s page and view the client company’s name, the contact person, the estimated date and amount of the incoming payment, the current status, etc.


Important features of deals:

  • Deals can be created only in a certain pipeline.
  • CRM tasks, for example, calls, webinars, or emails, are recorded on deals’ pages. You can track tasks associated with a deal throughout the entire sales process.
  • A deal’s page shows which date the closest CRM task is scheduled for. If all tasks are completed, the date when the most recent change was done to the deal is shown instead.
  • You can link a deal with a contact or a company, binding these objects.
  • If a deal is linked with a contact or a company, changes made to these objects will be shown on the deal’s page.
  • You can import deals into ELMA365 from .csv or .xlsx files.
  • You can track the progress of your deals using the Deal Dynamics and Revenue Forecast reports.
  • You can create a deal by qualifyinglead. This way you can work with a customer from the initial contact to the actual sale, clearly dividing the sales process into stages.

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