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Search and filters

Search is a fast way to find an app item by its name or parameters. Please note that you can only search within one app.

If you’re planning to search frequently by the same set of parameters, you can save it as a filter.

Search by name

To start searching, open the app page and type your query in the search bar at the top. You can enter the full name of an item or a part of it. The search is not case-sensitive.


Press Enter on your keyboard. You will see all app items that have the text you entered in their name.


To clear the search bar, click on the cross on the right side of it or press Esc on your keyboard.


To narrow down the results, you can also search by specific parameters of an item. You can get the most precise results by using several parameters at the same time.

Search by parameters

To search by parameters, click the search_icon icon in the search bar.

The Search by parameters form will open. Here you can search by main and system fields of the app and by tasks associated with the app’s items.


  • Main fields. These are custom app properties that the Search and sort by field option was enabled for when configuring the app form.

In apps with configured statuses you can use status as a search parameter. It is possible to choose any statuses, including hidden final ones. When you use search by status, results are displayed on the page as a table.

In App type fields with the Many option selected, you can specify several values to search by. In this case, search results include app items that store at least one of the selected app items.

For example, when using search in the Companies app, you can specify several values in the Contacts field. In the search results, you will see all companies that have at least one contact you specified.

  • Tasks. Here you can search by tasks associated with the app’s items, that is, assigned in a business process or in the Associated tasks widget. Read more in the Search tasks article. You can specify the following parameters:
    • Executors. Specify the user responsible for tasks associated with the app items you are searching for.
    • Overdue. Search results will include app items that have overdue tasks associated with them.
    • No tasks. Search results will include app items that have no tasks associated with them.
  • System fields. These are fields that are the same for all apps. Here you can specify the following parameters:
    • Author. The user who created the app item.
    • Edited by. The user who last modified the item.
    • Date created. The exact date the item was created or a time period. The beginning of a calendar day is considered 00:00:00 am, so you can find items created during one day, for example, January 1, 2023, by specifying a date interval in the following format: 01/01/2023 – 01/02/2023.
    • Date modified. The exact date the item was modified or a time period. You can select a precise date or specify a period. The beginning of a calendar day is considered 00:00:00 am.

For Users and App type fields, you can check the Empty box. This allows you to find app items in which certain fields are left empty. For example, orders without an employee assigned to them or deals without contact information.

For Users type fields, where you specify the company’s employees, you can use the Current user option. It allows you to write your name to the field. For example, you can use this to find deals where you are the responsible employee or contracts where you are the approver.


For Number type fields, search is done within a specified range. For example, if you want to find all the items that have 2 in the selected field, specify the range as [2;2]. If you only fill out the first cell, for example, enter 2,  search will be performed in the [2;infinity] range.

Search for deleted items

In the top right corner of the Search by parameters form, you can see the Removed filter. Click on it to search among app items that were deleted and therefore hidden from the app page.


If you need to continue working with deleted items, you can return them to the app page. To do that, open a deleted item’s page and add the Restore button to it. Read more about it in the Manage buttons on app item pages article.


If you are planning to use a certain set of parameters frequently, you can save it as a filter. In this case, you can simply click on the filter on the right panel of the Search by parameters form instead of selecting the same parameters every time.

There are two types of filters:

  • General. Filters created by the administrator and visible to all users.
  • Personal. Filters created by the users themselves and not displayed to others.

Create a filter

Open the Search by parameters window, fill out the fields, and click the Save as filter button.

In the fields that appears, enter the filter’s name and click Save.


The saved filter will appear on the right panel of the Search by parameters form in the app where it was created.


General filters are displayed at the beginning of the list. Personal filters are placed below them.

You can delete a filter or change its name. To do that, click on the pencil icon next to the filter’s name. Enter a new name for the filter or delete it by clicking on the recycle bin icon.


To save the changes, click on the mark icon icon.

Apply a filter

To apply a filter, click on its name. Search results will include all items that correspond to the filter’s parameters. You can apply a filter and use full-text search as the same time. You can also search by name among filtered items.

Pin a filter

You can pin a custom filter to apply it automatically. Then each time you open the app page, only items filtered by the specified parameters will be displayed.  

To pin a filter, hover the mouse over its name and click the pin-filter-icon icon. To unpin a filter, click the icon again. Only one filter can be pinned at a time.


Users included in the Administrators group can pin a general filter that will be automatically applied for all users. If a user has already pinned another filter, the user’s filter will be applied instead.

Full-text search

Full-text search is similar to searching by name. If you want an app property to be available for full-text search, go to its settings and check the Full-text search box.

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